
生活百科2023-05-20 20:12:010




大食蚁兽 ant bear; giant anteater

大食蚁兽属 giant anteater

袋食蚁兽科 myrmecobiidae

二趾食蚁兽 silky anteater

食蚁兽,穿山让轮睁坦岁甲 anteater


anteater的读音如下:英式读音为[ ˈæntiːtə(r) ],美式读音为[ ˈæntiːtər ]anteater通常用作名词(n),其意思为:食闹尘蚁兽。

anteater的复数形式为anteaters。该单词可以这样造句:Find out the fastest way to an anteater 's stomach!找旅弯基出最快的方法抓住食蚁兽的胃!;When in danger, the anteater lashes its tail around a branch.





An Xenarthra

Anteater: mammals, the main habitat in Central and South America, tropical forest in the south of Argentina. This group predatory ants and termites in the area have a high degree of specialization. Anteater structural features is its predatory insects linked to a series of activities. The skull was long and generally cylindrical-shaped, zygomatic complete, the Department of long nose kiss a complex middle turbinate. Bone slender teeth, no teeth. Worm - like长舌flexibility stretching, tongue rich secretion of saliva from the salivary gland and parotid gland secretions of mucus mixed for the many dead from the ants. These developed glands in the neck. Forelimb strong, coarse third toe, with a strong and long curved claws, narrowing the remaining toe. The habitat of the anteater with the bending joints and toe walking, and to lesser anteater, that is, toe anteater and ring-necked anteater live wholly or in part Dendrocola life, walking, bending with the claw on the forelimb within back to the toe. Anteater there are significant differences between body size, small anteater big like squirrels, but 350 grams, while the anteater weighing 25 kg. The anteater with a long body and thick hair, coat color SEPIA, more because the tail mast Long Hair, and other types of body and tail Dendrocola the hair are shorter, and the tail is抓挠capacity.

Anteater with powerful forelimb tearing open the nests of termites and ants, using长舌predation,囫囵swallowed, thickening on the stomach pyloric mill inquiry. All anteater on the ground activities appeared slow and clumsy. The two are arboreal, the former toe claws for grasping palm linked to the double amputation alternative way forward along the trunk movement. Small anteater totally arboreal, and the high tree feeding; ring-necked anteater and weighing 3 1 5 kg, mainly to Dendrocola, often on the ground activities, and they are夜行性animals. And anteater and it is entirely to habitat, and the main line of animals for the day when they were in danger, hind legs to stand with tail or back as a pillar to form a stable tripod posture, with palm claws and opponents厮打. Although his head no defense equipment, but very powerful forelimb and the巨爪was a sharp powerful "weapons."

Giant anteater sleeping 14-15 hours a day, wake up, in蚁穴between sluggish moved about to find food. They are smart organ, which is very suitable for small predator prey.

The former anteater on the 4-10 cm foot of a sharp and powerful clawed. Anteater use it to open蚁穴rather than undermine蚁穴, prior to their long noses stretch蚁穴with tongue舔食ants.

An alarming anteater's tongue can stretch out its 60 cm long, and are able to one minute 150 times the frequency stretching. Small thorns on the tongue and around a lot of mucus, ants were粘住will not escape.

An anteater in a蚁穴in only eat 140 days about the ants, then left after eating the other for a蚁穴. On this flavor, it can guarantee its own territory within蚁穴the ants survive, and come back to it on some other day US meal.

The anteater all have an excellent sense of smell, on the nose sniff out蚁穴, reuse利爪to蚁穴up set, they are always very careful to蚁穴will not be completely destroyed.

An adult short nose anteater and its skin color than black youngest son is舔食ants, short nose anteater is Dendrocola anteater, the long clawed around in the branches and to the tail.

Anteater walking with joints, in order to protect its long clawed. This makes them走起路来like a lame person.



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